Generating passive income from etsy has become an increasingly popular goal in recent years, as people strive to break free from the traditional 9-to-5 work model. The allure of being able to earn money without actively working is certainly appealing, but it requires a lot of effort upfront. In this article, we will explore the journey of one person who attempted to create a passive income stream by selling digital products online and their experience with transitioning to print on demand.
The Plan
The individual in question had previous experience selling on Etsy, which is a popular platform for handmade and vintage items. With a basic understanding of graphic design, they decided to start with digital products such as lists/organizational resources and fully editable logos. They recognized that the downloadable market on Etsy was oversaturated, but they believed they could offer a unique product that stood out.
The Reality
After starting the process of creating downloadable products, the individual realized that physical products would be a better fit for their skills and interests. The market for downloadable resources on Etsy was too competitive, and the individual wanted to offer a product that could stand out. They turned their attention to print on demand sites and identified Printify and Gooten as potential options for customizable notepads.
Over the course of a month, the individual published 17 print on demand notepads. While they did not follow through with their original plan of offering downloadable products, they recognized the need to pivot and adapt to their strengths and interests. This willingness to adapt and pivot is a crucial trait for anyone looking to generate passive income, as the market is constantly changing and evolving.
The Challenges
One of the main challenges that the individual faced was the time and effort required to set up digital products correctly on Etsy. They wanted to ensure that their products were editable and delivered quality to the customer, which meant choosing the right platform for the logo to be edited on, including all the necessary files and information in the listing, and more.
This process required a significant investment of time and effort, which was a valuable lesson for the individual. It highlighted the importance of researching and understanding the platform and market before diving in. While they still plan to offer editable logos in the future, they recognize the need to put more time into learning how to do it properly first.
The Results
After a month of attempting to generate passive income through print on demand, the individual reported mixed results. While they did make some sales, they did not earn as much as they had hoped. However, they recognized that the first month was a learning experience, and they are excited to continue experimenting and refining their approach.
My Results Now, I know they say it takes time to get sales on Etsy. I honestly wasn’t sure if I would get any sales for the first month. Many people don’t get sales for many, many months when they start. Plus, I didn’t do any promotion of this Etsy store. I didn’t tell friends or family. I wanted to see how long it would take to get a sale from a stranger. That said, I feel happy with my results. I got *drum roll please* 1 sale. My profit from that sale was $3-ish dollars, because POD sites charge you for the product itself, so you just get anything additional that the customer pays.
That was in the first week. To be honest, I was stoked. I thought, if I can get a sale in the first week, then I can get at least four before my first check in! But alas, I think Etsy boosts your listings at first or something, because after that first sale it was *crickets*. I’m honestly just happy I made the first sale! They say that’s the hardest part 🙂 What I Learned Some key takeaways from my first month were: Don’t underestimate how much time it takes to learn a new skill. Even something that seems easy, like digital Etsy products, will take several hours or even days to really understand.
Etsy is pretty saturated, but don’t let it discourage you. Focus on what makes you unique, and incorporate that in your product. There are so many copycats on Etsy. What can you do to stand out? People really like to shop at established stores with reviews. A store with many sales and reviews will sell products quicker than any new store. That’s because sales and reviews build credibility.
So what can you do? Tell your friends and family about your store (that’s in my plans for the coming month), offer something totally unique, encourage reviews, and be patient. Next Steps For the next month, I have decided to focus on editable logos and continuing with Print on Demand notepads (or maybe try notebooks?) In addition, I’m going to notify friends and family about my store and make a post about it on Instagram, to see if that can help me score some sales.
Moving forward, the individual plans to continue focusing on print on demand, but with a more targeted approach. They will research popular niches and trends and develop products that align with those interests. They also plan to expand their product offerings beyond notepads and explore other print on demand options such as t-shirts, mugs, and more.
In conclusion, generating passive income requires a lot of effort and patience. It is important to recognize that the journey will not be easy, and there will be setbacks along the way. However, with persistence, adaptability, and a willingness to learn, anyone can succeed in generating passive income. The journey of one individual may not be indicative of everyone’s experience, but it can offer valuable insights and lessons for anyone looking to create a passive income stream.